Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Davin Austin Dengler

My little Rock Star just wanted to say hello.......

Puerto Vallarta!

Need I say more?!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Bedding Set For the BABY!!!!

This is the bedding set that we picked out for our little one. We found the bedding at Target and Babies R Us. Isn't it perfect!!!

Monday, September 15, 2008

Hurrican Y IKE S!

Hello Everyone! Just a quick update to let everyone know we are just fine. We were very lucky considering what happened to a lot of homes in our neighborhood. The first two pictures are pre IKE and the rest are after. I am only posting a few but if you want to see more just email me.

These are a few pictures of the aftermath.

Here are the pictures of our house after IKE! As you can see we are very blessed. Take care! We love you all.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

August 19th 2008! Doctor's visit number 2!

We heard a heartbeat!!! It took the Doctor a few minutes to find but she finally found it. 172 beats per minute. Could we have us a little girl on our hands? It was really cool to get to hear the heartbeat and funny to look at Jeremy's face when he heard it. I think he was expecting more of a thumping sound instead of the whooshing sound. We can't wait for the first Ultrasound!

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

The first Doctor's visit.

Well I finally went to my first doctor's appointment and I must say I am quite disappointed. As you all know I am a planner and researcher so everything the nurse had to say I already knew. They had me take a pregnancy test and told me the edd (estimated due date) and that was it. So the only good news (not new news) is that I am still pregnant and the due date is set thus far for
March 12th, 2009!!!!! God bless our spring chicken.

Monday, July 21, 2008

The weeks before the 1st Doctor's Appointment

We found out that we were blessed on Thursday July 10th 2008. We had been waiting all week for Thursday to arrive so that we could take a pregnancy test. No sooner than I pulled into the driveway; Jeremy was practically running out to my car to meet me. He opened the door and said "You ready!". Of course I was! After a brief CVS visit and a quick reading of the instructions on the box we learned that we would soon become a family of three. It has been quite an experience thus far and we look forward to the many but few weeks ahead.

I will try my best to keep everyone up to date while we await our little one.

Love The Denglers.