Wednesday, November 4, 2009

A little blurb

Davin was baptised on Nov 1st 2009. It went beautifully. We are going down to Houston this weekend through next Tuesday to clean everything out of our 1st home and do a few repairs. We are hoping that some buyers will be able to close on the house Nov 20th. Keep us in your prayers. Jeremy is working a 2 to 11pm shift which totally bites but we know God will take care of us. There are a lot of cool things going on and we are truly a blessed family. We love all of you!

1st Halloween! Rarrrrrrr!

I'm gonna get you!

Monday, September 28, 2009

I am so behind! So much has changed.

Well, here is an I am sorry to everyone for falling so far behind on this. So much has changed. We are now living back home in Tyler Texas. Davin is almost 7 months old and is crawling, playing pat a cake, climbing, pulling up, waving some times and babbleing away. He is so awesome. Jeremy and I are working at MSB in Tyler. He is a Team Lead and I am their only IT person at this location. Things are great. We just joined Lane's Chapel where we were married and Davin is getting baptized on November 1st! Here are just a couple of pics of Davin. I need to send out his 6 month pics but I am so far behind.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Time Flys By. Davin Austin Dengler 4 weeks old today.

Doing some tummy time today. He picks his head up really well. Look at that face.
Playing with Daddy.
Pajama Day!!!!
St Patty's Day 2009. My little Leprechan.
Candice and Jeremy. We love you guys.
Precious Boy.
Davin loves his Sugar Bear.
Man time flys by. These are a few shots that we took today 4/1/2009 and a couple from previous weeks. Enjoy. He is getting so big. He is probably close to 10 lbs now. It was really good to see everyone that came down to visit. We love you all.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

What we have all been waiting for.......

9.06 lbs
20 inches
Davin Austin Dengler
March 4th, 2009 4:17pm

Monday, February 23, 2009